I read my horoscope yesterday and laughed out loud when I read it. After struggling with trying to stay positive in regards to my training (mainly my running) I found this to be very appropo: "The important thing today, and for the rest of the week, is that you focus on what is going right in your life rather than what is going wrong. The sun in Aquarius at this time of year means that you tend to have an overly negative attitude to events but that can be countered by conciously and regularly counting your blessings--there are plenty of them." Oh so true. It's amazing the things we take for granted sometimes. Like being able to train for something like this. Just being able to actually get out of bed and do something physical. So many people out there can't. One of our training partners just found out he has Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma. He's 38 years old and in great shape. He had signed up to Ironman this year with the rest of us. Now he can't. He has to now focus on taking care of himself. I'm sure it's turned his life upside down but he has chosen to be postive and deal with this in a positive frame of mind. All I have to think about when I am having a bad day is that--things could be worse. Having a bad workout is not the end of the world. I should be grateful that I can do this at all.